Flow-cytometric Detection of Low-level Reactive Oxygen Species in Cell Lines and Primary Immune Cells
[Abstract] Depending on its concentration and cellular origin the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the organism serves a variety of functions. While high concentrations during an oxidative burst are used to fight pathogens, low to moderate amounts of ROS act as signaling molecules important for several physiological processes such as regulation of immune responses. The ROS-sensitive dye 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA) is an inexpensive and well-established tool for measuring intracellular ROS levels. However, it needs to be carefully controlled to be able to draw firm conclusions on the nature of ROS species produced and the cellular source of ROS generation such as the enzyme complex NADPH-oxidase 2 (NOX-2). In this protocol, a robust method to ...
[摘要] [摘要 ] 取决于其浓度和细胞来源,生物体中活性氧(ROS)的产生具有多种功能。虽然在氧化性爆发期间使用高浓度来对抗病原体,但低至中等量的ROS充当信号分子,对几种生理过程(例如免疫应答的调节)很重要。ROS敏感染料2',7'-二氯二氢荧光素二乙酸酯(H 2 DCFDA)是一种用于测量细胞内ROS水平的廉价且行之有效的工具。但是,需要仔细控制它,以便能够对产生的ROS种类的性质和ROS产生的细胞来源(如酶复合物NADPH-氧化酶2(NOX-2))得出可靠的结论。在该协议中,使用H 2 DCFDA 确定低细胞内ROS产生的可靠方法已通过几种ROS特异性抑制剂和NOX-2特异性抑制剂的验证。在用感兴趣的ROS-诱导剂处理之前,用抑制剂或对照物质处理细胞。仅在治疗计划的最后30分钟内添加H 2 DCFDA。为了终止其转化,我们使用了ROS特异性抑制剂,直到通过FITC通道(例如:488 nm / Em :519 nm)通过流式细胞仪进行分析。总之,该协议允许检测细胞系和原代免疫细胞(例如,分别为Mono Mac 6细胞和骨髓来源的树突状细胞)中与信号相关的细胞内ROS的产生。结合使用这种方法和特定的抑制剂,我们甚至能够验证NOX-2产生的与免疫调节信号相关的极少量的ROS。
[背景 ] ...
Measurement of Intracellular ROS in Caenorhabditis elegans Using 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein Diacetate
[Abstract] Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated during normal metabolic processes under aerobic conditions. Since ROS production initiates harmful radical chain reactions on cellular macromolecules, including lipid peroxidation, DNA mutation, and protein denaturation, it has been implicated in a wide spectrum of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, ischemia-reperfusion and aging. Over the past several decades, antioxidants have received explosive attention regarding their protective potential against these deleterious reactions. Accordingly, many analytical methodologies have been developed for the evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of compounds or complex biological samples. Herein, we introduce a simple and convenient method to detect in vivo intracellular ROS ...
[摘要] 在有氧条件下的正常代谢过程中产生活性氧物质(ROS)。 由于ROS产生会引起细胞大分子的有害自由基连锁反应,包括脂质过氧化反应,DNA突变和蛋白质变性,因此它已涉及多种疾病,如癌症,心血管疾病,缺血再灌注和衰老。 在过去的几十年中,抗氧化剂已经受到爆炸性的关注,因为它们对这些有害反应具有保护作用。 因此,已经开发了许多分析方法用于评估化合物或复杂生物样品的抗氧化能力。 在此,我们介绍了使用2',7'-二氯荧光素二乙酸盐(H 2),在线虫体内用光度计检测体内细胞内ROS水平的简单方便的方法。 DCFDA),一种细胞渗透性示踪剂。
【背景】已经广泛地使用荧光探针2',7'-二氯荧光素二乙酸酯(H 2 DCFDA)原位检测活体内细胞内活性氧簇(ROS)水平由在氧化应激和相关疾病领域工作的研究人员提供。非极性和非离子型探针H 2 DCFDA可以容易地穿透细胞膜并且被酯酶酶促脱乙酰化。该生物化学反应将H 2 DCFDA转化成非荧光化合物H 2 DCF,然后将其迅速氧化成高度荧光的2',7'-二氯荧光素(DCF) ROS的存在(图1A)。因此,来自H 2 ...
Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Cyanobacteria Using the Oxidant-sensing Probe 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH-DA)
[Abstract] Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are cell signaling molecules synthesized inside the cells as a response to routine metabolic processes. In stress conditions such as ultraviolet radiation (UVR), ROS concentration increases several folds in the cells that become toxic for the cell survival. Here we present the method for in vivo detection of ROS by using an oxidant-sensing probe 2’,7’-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) in cyanobacteria. This method provides reliable, simple, rapid and cost effective means for detection of ROS in cyanobacteria.
[摘要] 活性氧(ROS)是细胞内合成的细胞信号分子,作为对常规代谢过程的反应。 在紫外线照射(UVR)等应激条件下,ROS浓度在细胞中增加数倍,对细胞存活有毒性。 在这里,我们介绍了通过使用蓝细菌中的氧化剂感测探针2',7'-二氯二氢荧光素二乙酸酯(DCFH-DA)来体内检测ROS的方法。 该方法提供可靠,简单,快速和成本有效的检测蓝细菌中的ROS的方法。 【背景】蓝藻是最古老的含氧光合自养体;它们在水生和陆地生态系统的生物量生产中发挥重要作用,并作为各种增值产品的来源(Vaishampayan等,2001;Häderet al。,2007; Fischer,2008)。近年来,臭氧层的消耗导致太阳紫外线辐射(UVR)涌入增加,这对所有存在于地球上的生物(包括蓝细菌)都是有害的(Holzinger和Lutz,2006)。 UVR通过作用于DNA /蛋白质或间接通过活性氧(ROS)的氧化损伤直接伤害蓝细菌(He和Häder,2002)。在植物,藻类和哺乳动物细胞中,已经使用各种荧光和化学发光方法检测ROS(Crow,1997; He和Häder,2002; Soh,2006; Wu et al。,2007; Palomero et al。,2008)。 2',7'-二氯二氟荧光素二乙酸酯(DCFH-DA)是一种非荧光,细胞可渗透的染料,其在细胞酯酶的作用下在细胞内水解成其极性但非荧光形式的DCFH,因此保留在细胞中。通过细胞内ROS和其他过氧化物的作用氧化DCFH使分子变成其可通过各种荧光方法检测的2',7'-二氯荧光素(DCF)的高度荧光形式(He和Häder,2002; ...