Transformation of the Cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya boryana by Electroporation
[Abstract] Leptolyngbya boryana (L. boryana) (formerly Plectonema boryanum) is a versatile, filamentous cyanobacterium that has the ability to fix nitrogen under microoxic conditions and to grow heterotrophically with glucose in the dark, providing an excellent system to investigate photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and their regulatory mechanisms. While L. boryana is not naturally transformable different from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, it can be transformed by electroporation. Here we describe the transformation of L. boryana by electroporation to isolate mutants in which a targeted gene is disrupted.
[摘要] Leptolyngbya boryana ( L。boryana )(以前称为Plectonema boryanum)是一种多用途的丝状蓝细菌,具有在微氧条件下固氮的能力, 在黑暗中与葡萄糖异养生长,提供了研究光合作用,固氮和它们的调节机制的优良系统。 而 L。 boryana 不是天然可转化的,不同于单细胞蓝细菌集胞藻。 PCC 6803,它可以通过电穿孔转化。 这里我们描述了 L的变换。 boryana通过电穿孔分离其中靶基因被破坏的突变体。
Catalase Activity Assay in Candida glabrata
[Abstract] Commensal and pathogenic fungi are exposed to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produced by macrophages of the host. Pathogenic fungi counteract the harmful effects of H2O2 with the enzyme catalase (EC, which decomposes two molecules of H2O2 to two molecules of H2O and O2. Contribution of antioxidant systems on fungal virulence is actively studied. Measurement of catalase activity can contribute to the elucidation of the factors that influence the regulation of this pivotal enzyme. Here we describe a simple spectrophotometric method in which the activity of catalase is measured in total yeast extracts. Decomposition of H2O2 by the yeast extract is followed by the decrease in ...
[摘要] 共生和致病真菌暴露于由宿主的巨噬细胞产生的过氧化氢(H 2 O 2 O 2)。 致病真菌抵消了H 2 O 2对于过氧化氢酶(EC的有害影响,所述过氧化氢酶分解两个分子的H 2 O 2 - O 2至两个H 2 O和O 2分子。 积极研究抗氧化系统对真菌毒力的贡献。 过氧化氢酶活性的测量可有助于阐明影响这种关键酶的调节的因素。 在这里我们描述一个简单的分光光度法,其中过氧化氢酶的活性在总酵母提取物中测量。 通过酵母提取物的H 2 O 2 O 2分解后,在240nm处的吸光度降低。 吸光度随时间的差异(ΔA240)被推断为过氧化氢酶活性的量度。
Determination of Ferric Chelate Reductase Activity in the Arabidopsis thaliana Root
[Abstract] Plants have developed two distinct mechanisms, i.e., strategy I (reduction strategy) and II (chelation strategy), to mobilize insoluble Fe(III) in the rhizosphere and transport it through the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis thaliana and other dicots rely on strategy I. In this strategy, the rhizosphere is first acidified by a PM-localized H+-ATPase, AHA2. Then, FERRIC CHELATE REDUCTASE 2 (FRO2) reduces Fe(III) to soluble Fe(II). Finally, the reduced Fe is taken up by a high-affinity transporter, IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1). Root ferric chelate reductase activity can be quantified spectrophotometrically by the formation of Purple-colored Fe(II)-ferrozine complex in darkness.
[摘要] 植物已经开发了两种不同的机制,即,策略I(还原策略)和II(螯合策略),以在根际中移动不溶性Fe(III)并将其运输通过质膜。 拟南芥和其它双子叶植物依赖策略I.在该策略中,根际首先通过PM局部化H + -ATP酶AHA2酸化。 然后,FERRIC CHELATE REDUCTASE 2(FRO2)将Fe(III)还原为可溶性Fe(II)。 最后,还原的Fe被高亲和性转运蛋白IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1(IRT1)摄取。 根铁螯合物还原酶活性可以通过分光光度法通过在黑暗中形成紫色Fe(II) - ferrozine复合物来定量。