Transmission Electron Microscopy for Analysis of Mitochondria in Mouse Skeletal Muscle
[Abstract] Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue in the human body and regulates a variety of functions including locomotion and whole-body metabolism. Skeletal muscle has a plethora of mitochondria, the organelles that are essential for aerobic generation of ATP which provides the chemical energy to fuel vital functions such as contraction. The number of mitochondria in skeletal muscle and their function decline with normal aging and in various neuromuscular diseases and in catabolic conditions such as cancer, starvation, denervation, and immobilization. Moreover, compromised mitochondrial function is also associated with metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is now clear that maintaining mitochondrial content and function in skeletal muscle is vital for sustained health ...
[摘要] 骨骼肌是人体中含量最丰富的组织,可调节各种功能,包括运动和全身代谢。骨骼肌有很多线粒体,这是ATP好氧生成所必需的细胞器,它提供化学能量来促进收缩等重要功能。骨骼肌中线粒体的数量及其功能随着正常衰老和各种神经肌肉疾病以及癌症,饥饿,去神经支配和固定等分解代谢条件而下降。此外,受损的线粒体功能也与包括2型糖尿病在内的代谢紊乱有关。现在清楚的是维持骨骼肌中的线粒体含量和功能对于整个寿命期间的持续健康是至关重要的。虽然有许多染色方法可用于研究线粒体,但透射电子显微镜(TEM)仍然是研究骨骼肌中线粒体结构和健康的最重要方法。它提供关于线粒体含量,嵴密度,组织,自噬体形成以及在各种疾病状况中经常观察到的任何其他异常的关键信息。在本文中,我们描述了一个详细的协议样本制备和透射电镜分析小鼠骨骼肌线粒体。
【背景】骨骼肌是一种高度塑性的组织,经过响应一些细胞外信号的形态和代谢适应性。包括抵抗或耐力运动在内的许多干扰刺激线粒体生物发生,导致增加的代谢能力和抵抗疲劳(Li等人,2008; Sandri,2008)。相反,在衰老期间,不活动,以及在许多分解代谢疾病状态下,骨骼肌线粒体数量和功能下降,导致易疲劳性和胰岛素抵抗增加(Sandri,2008)。功能失调的线粒体的累积也可能导致进行性活性氧物质诱导的损伤,从而进一步损害骨骼肌中的氧化能力(Bonnard等人,2008)。 ...
Immunogold Localization of Molecular Constituents Associated with Basal Bodies, Flagella, and Extracellular Matrices in Male Gametes of Land Plants
[Abstract] Male gametes (spermatozoids) are the only motile cells produced during the life cycle of land plants. While absent from flowering and most cone-bearing plants, motile cells are found in less derived taxa, including bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts), pteridophytes (lycophytes and ferns) and some seed plants (Ginkgo and cycads). During development, these cells undergo profound changes that involve the production of a locomotory apparatus, unique microtubule (MT) arrays, and a series of special cell walls that are produced in sequence and are synchronized with cellular differentiation. Immunogold labeling in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) provides information on the exact location and potential function of macromolecules involved with this developmental ...
[摘要] 雄性配子(精子)是陆地植物生命周期中唯一产生的运动细胞。虽然没有开花和大多数含有锥体的植物,但在少量来源的分类群中发现运动细胞,包括苔藓植物(苔藓,苔草和horn)),蕨类植物(石膏植物和蕨类植物)和一些种子植物(银杏,苏铁)。在发育过程中,这些细胞发生深刻的变化,涉及生产运动装置,独特的微管(MT)阵列和一系列特定的细胞壁,这些细胞壁依次产生并与细胞分化同步。透射电子显微镜(TEM)中的免疫金标记提供了涉及该发育过程的大分子的确切位置和潜在功能的信息。具体而言,可能将表位定位于与涉及MT产生和功能的细胞内含物相关的蛋白质。在这些植物中的精子发生对于检查构成细胞外基质的碳水化合物和糖蛋白的差异表达也是理想的,所述细胞外基质与配子形状和运动装置发育中的戏剧性建筑变化相关。在这里我们提供使用单克隆抗体(MAbs)和透射电子显微镜中免疫金标记的方法来定位精子发育不可或缺的大分子。
这种深刻的细胞分化涉及独特的MT阵列的发展,样条和鞭毛,从离散的微管组织中心(MTOCs),唯一含有中心粒的中心体在陆地植物散发。由于基因体,鞭毛及相关复合体在发育中的雄性配子中的独家出现,精子发生的研究揭示了MT阵列的结构,组成和发育变化的重要信息,因为它们涉及细胞周期,MTOC和细胞分化(Joshi等人,1992; ...
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Centrioles, Basal Bodies and Flagella in Motile Male Gametes of Land Plants
[Abstract] Motile male gametes (spermatozoids) of land plants are coiled and contain a modified and precisely organized complement of organelles that includes a locomotory apparatus with two to thousands of flagella. Each flagellum is generated from a basal body that originates de novo as a centriole in spermatogenous cell lineages. Much of what is known about the diversity of plant male gametes was derived from detailed transmission electron microscopic studies. Because the process of spermatogenesis results in complete transformation of the shape and organization of these cells, TEM studies have yielded a wealth of information on cellular differentiation. Because green algal progenitor groups contain centrioles and a variety of motile cells, land plant spermatozoids also provide a ...
[摘要] 土地植物的运动雄性配子(精子)卷曲,并含有修改和精确组织的细胞器的补体,其包括具有两至数千个鞭毛的运动器官。每个鞭毛都是从起源于新生细胞的基底体产生的,作为精子细胞谱系中的中心粒。关于植物雄性配子多样性的许多知识来自详细的透射电子显微镜研究。由于精子发生过程导致这些细胞的形状和组织的完全转化,TEM研究已经产生了关于细胞分化的大量信息。由于绿藻藻类祖细胞含有中心粒和各种运动细胞,所以土地植物精子也提供了大量的机会来检验土地殖民时期的中心粒和运动器具的演化和最终的损失。 在这里,我们简要概述了我们在过去20年进行的研究和方法,不仅阐明了这些细胞的结构多样性,而且阐明了微管组织中心的发展。 >中心粒的起源和结构复杂的运动细胞的个体发育。 【背景】土地植物的运动配子是非常多样化的,通过涉及重新定位和重塑细胞组分以及组装复杂运动器官的变革来发展(Renzaglia和Garbary,2001; Lopez和Renzaglia,2008)。由于细胞壁施加的限制,细胞和鞭毛的伸长在几乎球形的空间周围,导致成熟配子的盘绕构型(Renzaglia和Garbary,2001; Lopez和Renzaglia,2014)。卷取程度从每个单元只有一到多到十转。每个配子的鞭毛数量甚至更为可变,从苔藓植物(苔藓植物, ...