Adhesion of Enteroaggregative E. coli Strains to HEK293 Cells
[Abstract] Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is a recognized cause of acute diarrhea among both children and adults worldwide. EAEC strains are characterized by the presence of aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAF), which play a key role in pathogenesis by mediating attachment to the intestinal mucosa and by triggering host inflammatory responses. The aggregative adherence fimbria II (AAF/II) is the most important adherence factor of EAEC prototype strain 042 (EAEC042) to intestinal cells. Multiple receptors for AAF/II on epithelial cells have been identified including the transmembrane signaling mucin Muc1. This protocol describes a method to measure adherence of EAEC strains to HEK293 cells expressing the Muc1 glycoprotein.
[摘要] 肠道集聚性大肠杆菌(EAEC)是全球儿童和成人急性腹泻的公认原因。 EAEC菌株的特征在于存在聚集粘附菌毛(AAF),其通过介导与肠粘膜的附着和通过引发宿主炎症反应而在发病机制中起关键作用。 聚合粘附菌毛II(AAF / II)是EAEC原型菌株042(EAEC042)对肠细胞最重要的粘附因子。 已经鉴定了上皮细胞上AAF / II的多种受体,包括跨膜信号传导粘蛋白Muc1。 该协议描述了测量EAEC菌株对表达Muc1糖蛋白的HEK293细胞的依从性的方法。
【背景】EAEC是世界范围内地方性和流行性腹泻病的重要原因。尽管发展中国家儿童腹泻最常见,但EAEC还与免疫受损成人腹泻,旅行者和工业化国家的食源性疾病有关,例如由志贺毒素(Stx)2a型产生的大致致命爆发2011年在北欧的血清型O104:H4的EAEC菌株(Harrington等人,2006; Rasko等人,2011)。 EAEC发病机制由生物体粘附肠细胞,产生肠毒素和细胞毒素并最终诱导炎症的能力决定(Harrington等,2006)。 EAEC对肠细胞的依从性由AAF菌毛粘附素介导(Czeczulin等人,1997)。迄今为止,已经描述了至少5种AAF菌毛的变体,全部编码在范围为55至65MDa的毒力质粒中(Jonsson等人,2015)。 ...
Isolation of Outer Membrane Vesicles from Phytopathogenic Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
[Abstract] Gram-negative bacteria naturally release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) to the surrounding environment. OMVs contribute to multiple processes, such as cell-cell communication, delivery of enzymes and toxins, resistance to environmental stresses and pathogenesis. Little is known about OMVs produced by plant-pathogenic bacteria, and their interactions with host plants. The protocol described below discusses the isolation process of OMVs from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris strain 33913, a bacterial pathogen of Crucifiers. Nevertheless, this protocol can be used and/or adapted for isolation of OMVs from other phytopathogenic bacteria to promote the study of OMVs in the context of plant-microbe interactions.
[摘要] 革兰氏阴性细菌自然释放外膜囊泡(OMVs)到周围环境。 OMV有助于多个过程,如细胞通讯,酶和毒素的传递,对环境的压力和发病机制的抵抗。对植物病原菌产生的OMV及其与宿主植物的相互作用知之甚少。下面描述的协议讨论了野生黄单胞菌(Manthomonas campestris)的OMV的隔离过程。菌种33913(一种Crucizer的细菌病原体)。然而,该方案可以用于和/或适于将OMV与其他植物病原细菌分离,以促进在植物 - 微生物相互作用的背景下对OMV的研究。
背景 细胞外泡(EV)释放是许多生物从生命各个领域共享的过程。在革兰氏阴性细菌中,大多数EV是外膜起泡的结果,最终夹住细菌细胞壁,因此被称为外膜囊泡(OMV)。 OMV的研究重点是OMV生物发生,货物,功能和与宿主生物的相互作用。迄今为止,大多数关于OMV的研究集中在人类和环境细菌的细菌病原体上,然而对植物病原菌的OMV研究很少。这里描述的协议是由Chutkan等人描述的方案改编的。 (2013)稍作修改,并在此介绍植物病原体X。 campestris pv。 campestris 。为了我们的理解,这是第一个完全详细的OMV与植物生长细菌分离的方案,我们希望它可以作为对这一主题感兴趣的其他研究组的指导性协议。
Yeast Vacuole Staining with FM4-64
[Abstract] The lipophilic probe, FM 4-64 does not fluoresce much in water but fluoresces strongly after binding to the outer plasma membrane, providing clear and distinguishable plasma membrane staining. The binding is rapid and reversible. In this protocol vacuoles in yeast cells are stained with the FM4-64 dye, permitting the use of live-cell imaging if needed.
[摘要] 亲脂性探针FM 4-64在水中不发荧光,但在与外部质膜结合后发出强烈荧光,提供清晰和可区分的质膜染色。 结合是快速和可逆的。 在该协议中,酵母细胞中的液泡用FM4-64染料染色,如果需要,允许使用活细胞成像。