[Abstract] The conditioned place preference (CPP) test is a standard pre-clinical behavioral tool used to study the motivational effects of drugs and non-drug treatments in experimental animals. The basic characteristic of this task involves the association of a particular environment and contextual cues with a reward stimulus, followed by the association of a different environment with the absence of the reward stimulus (Prus and Rosecrans, 2009). Besides the motor component, voluntary wheel running exercise also has a rewarding component, and has been suggested as a strong natural reinforcer. Consistent with this notion, rodents will readily begin to run when a wheel is introduced (Eikelboom and Mills, 1988; Looy and Eikelboom, 1989), will work by lever pressing to gain access to a running wheel ...
[摘要] 条件性位置偏好(CPP)测试是用于研究药物和非药物治疗在实验动物中的激励作用的标准临床前行为工具。这个任务的基本特征涉及将特定环境和情境线索与奖励刺激相关联,然后将不同环境与没有奖励刺激相联系(Prus和Rosecrans,2009)。除了电机部件,自愿的车轮运行运动也有一个回报的成分,并已被建议作为一个强大的自然增强。与这个概念一致,当引入轮子时,啮齿动物将容易开始跑动(Eikelboom和Mills,1988; Looy和Eikelboom,1989),将通过杠杆按压来获得进入运行的轮子(Pierce等人, ,1986),并且在之前与运行的后果相关的地方花费更多的时间(Lett等人,2000; Lett等人,2001年) )。最近,我们强调了脂肪细胞衍生激素瘦素在中脑多巴胺神经元中在调节运行奖励中的重要作用(Fernandes等人,2015)。在这里,我们描述了一种CPP协议,以测量在小鼠中车轮运行运动的奖励后遗症。