[Abstract] In Arabidopsis thaliana, one of the very early immune-related responses induced after elicitor perception is the oxidative burst, i.e., reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation including superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). ROS production plays different roles in a wide range of biotic and abiotic stress responses, including the closure of stomata and the regulation of cell expansion. In particular, elicitor-induced H2O2 is produced mainly by the membrane localized NAD(P)H oxidases RESPIRATORY BURST OXIDASE HOMOLOGUE D and F. In this protocol, we describe a simple and reproducible luminol/peroxidase-based assay to detect and evaluate immunity-related accumulation of H2O2 produced in Arabidopsis ...
[摘要] 在拟南芥中,在诱导剂感知之后诱导的非常早期的免疫相关反应之一是氧化爆发,即包括超氧阴离子和过氧化氢的活性氧(ROS)产生(H 2 O 2 O 2)。 ROS产生在宽范围的生物和非生物应激反应中起不同的作用,包括气孔的闭合和细胞扩增的调节。特别地,诱导剂诱导的H 2 O 2 O 2主要由膜定位的NAD(P)H氧化酶呼吸道刺激氧化酶同源物D和F产生。在该方案中,我们描述了简单和可再现的基于鲁米诺/过氧化物酶的测定,以检测和评价在拟南芥叶盘中产生的H 2 O 2亚型的免疫相关累积(OGs),鞭毛蛋白(flg22)或延伸因子 - 热不稳定的(EF-Tu-elf18)处理。该方法基于检测在H 2 O 2 O 2存在下在辣根过氧化物酶(HRP) - 催化的鲁米诺分子氧化后产生的激发发光氨分子发出的发光, sub>。发光的水平以及持续时间与由引发的叶盘产生的H 2 O 2 O 2的量成比例。