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Siebgewebe, Polyamid


Company: Buddeberg
Catalog#: 9.068 280
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Infection Assay of Cyst Nematodes on Arabidopsis Roots
[Abstract]  Plant parasitic nematodes are devastating pests on many crops. Juveniles (J2) of cyst nematodes invade the roots to induce a syncytium. This feeding site is their only source of nutrients. Male nematodes leave the roots after the fourth molt to mate with females. The females stay attached to their syncytia throughout their life and produce hundreds of eggs, which are contained in their bodies. When the females die their bodies form the cysts, which protect the eggs. Cysts can survive for many years in the soil until favorable conditions induce hatching of the juveniles.

The beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii is a pathogen of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) but can also complete its life cycle on Arabidopsis roots growing on agar plates under ...
[摘要]  植物寄生线虫是许多作物上的毁灭性害虫。 孢囊线虫的幼虫(J2)侵入根以诱导合胞体。 这个饲养场是他们唯一的营养来源。 雄性线虫在第四蜕皮后离开根以与雌性交配。 雌性在其整个生命期间保持附着于其合胞体,并产生数百个鸡蛋,其包含在它们的身体中。 当女性死于他们的身体形成囊肿,保护卵。 囊肿可以在土壤中存活多年,直到有利条件诱导幼鱼孵化。
甜菜孢囊线虫 Heterodera schachtii 是甜菜的病原体( vulgaris ),但也可以在拟南芥 根在无菌条件下在琼脂平板上生长。 我们在这里介绍的H的股票文化的协议。 schachtii)和在琼脂平板上的感染测定。
