A Simple and Rapid Assay for Measuring Phytoalexin Pisatin, an Indicator of Plant Defense Response in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
[Abstract] Phytoalexins are antimicrobial substance synthesized in plants upon pathogen infection. Pisatin (Pisum sativum phytoalexin) is the major phytoalexin in pea, while it is also a valuable indicator of plant defense response. Pisatin can be quantitated in various methods from classical organic chemistry to Mass-spectrometry analysis. Here we describe a procedure with high reproducibility and simplicity that can easily handle large numbers of treatments. The method only requires a spectrophotometer as laboratory equipment, does not require any special analytical instruments (e.g., HPLC, mass spectrometers, etc.) to measure the phytoalexin molecule quantitatively, i.e., most scientific laboratories can perform the experiment.
[摘要] 植物毒素是在病原体感染后在植物中合成的抗微生物物质。 豌豆中的主要植物抗毒素豌豆中的豌豆豌豆(Pisatin)是豌豆中的主要植物抗坏血酸,而它也是有价值的 植物防御反应指标。 茜素可以从经典有机化学到质谱分析的各种方法进行定量。 在这里我们描述了一个具有高重现性和简单性的程序,可以轻松处理大量的治疗。 该方法仅需要使用分光光度计作为实验室设备,不需要任何特殊的分析仪器(例如,如HPLC,质谱仪,等等)来定量测量植物抗毒素分子, ,大多数科学实验室都可以进行实验。 【背景】植物具有宿主抗性和非宿主抗性,取决于植物 - 病原体相互作用的性质。宿主抗性主要由R基因控制,耐久性较差,而非宿主抗性通常是多基因性状,与宿主抗性相比更耐用(Gill等人,2015; Lee et ...
Adoptive Transfer of Lung Antigen Presenting Cells
[Abstract] Our protocol describes adoptive transfer of antigen presenting cells (APCs) isolated from the lungs by enzymatic digestion and magnetic enrichment. This protocol can be used to study APC functions and trafficking.
[摘要] 我们的方案描述了通过酶消化和磁力富集从肺分离的抗原呈递细胞(APC)的过继转移。该协议可用于研究APC功能和贩运。
背景 包括巨噬细胞和树突状细胞(DC)在内的肺癌APC在感染侵袭性病原体,引发T细胞应答和控制耐受性反应中发挥关键作用。肺DC是稳定状态下最有效的专业APC,包括常规DC(cDC)和浆细胞样DC(pDC),以及炎症时新招募的单核细胞衍生的DC(moDC)(Kopf等人)。 ,2015)。肺静脉巨噬细胞,包括肺泡巨噬细胞,间质巨噬细胞和支气管巨噬细胞,在呈递抗原方面的效力较低。  所有巨噬细胞和cDC在其细胞表面表达高水平的CD11c,而pDC表达中等水平的CD11c(Becher等,2014)。因此,CD11c磁性微珠可用于分离小鼠肺巨噬细胞和cDC。我们开发了一种从正常小鼠中分离肺APCs的方案,然后将其过渡转移到同基因骨髓移植小鼠。我们使用该方案来确定正常的肺APCs是否足以恢复移植后疱疹病毒感染的T辅助细胞极化(Zhou等人,2016)。
Preparation and Immunofluorescence Staining of the Trachea in Drosophila Larvae and Pupae
[Abstract] The Drosophila melanogaster trachea is a branched network of rigid chitin-lined tubes that ramify throughout the body and functions as the fly’s respiratory organ. Small openings at the ends of the tracheal tubes allow gas exchange to occur by diffusion between internal tissues and the exterior environment. Tracheal tubes are lined by a single layer of epithelial cells, which secrete chitin and control tube morphology and size. Studies of tracheal development in Drosophila embryos have elucidated fundamental mechanisms of tube morphogenesis and maintenance in vivo, and identified major signaling pathways that regulate these processes (Manning and Krasnow, 1993; Affolter and Shilo, 2000; Zuo et al., 2013; Kerman et al., ...
[摘要] melanogaster 气管是一种由几丁质内衬的管组成的分支网络,分布在整个身体并作为苍蝇的呼吸器官。气管管端部的小开口允许通过内部组织和外部环境之间的扩散而发生气体交换。气管管由单层上皮细胞衬里,其分泌几丁质和对照管形态和尺寸。在Drosop hila 胚胎中的气管发育的研究阐明了管形态发生和维持体内的基本机制,并且鉴定了调节这些过程的主要信号传导途径(Manning和Krasnow,1993; Affolter和Shilo,2000; Zuo等人,2013; Kerman等人,2006; Schottenfeld等人, em,2010)。近年来,在变态过程中对气管的兴趣日益增长,当在幼虫中用作呼吸器官的气管分支被修复或被由致动的气管祖细胞产生的新的气管组织或成熟的气管细胞(Manning和Krasnow,1993; Sato和Kornberg,2002; Guha等人,2008; Guha和Kornberg,2005; Weaver和Krasnow,2008; Pitsouli和Perrimon, 2010; Chen和Krasnow,2014)在过程结束时形成成人气管。正在进行的衰变和组织形成模拟其他生物体中组织修复和再生的方面,并且已经用于理解祖细胞如何分裂和分化(Pitsouli和Perrimon,2010; ...