Dual-probe RNA FRET-FISH in Yeast
[Abstract] mRNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) is a technique commonly used to profile the distribution of transcripts in cells. When combined with the common single molecule technique Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), FISH can also be used to profile the co-expression of nearby sequences in the transcript to measure processes such as alternate initiation or splicing variation of the transcript. Unlike in a conventional FISH method using multiple probes to target a single transcript, FRET is limited to the use of two probes labeled with matched dyes and requires the use of sensitized emission. Any widefield microscope capable of sensitive single molecule detection of Cy3 and Cy5 should be able to measure FRET in yeast cells. Alternatively, a FRET-FISH method can be ...
[摘要] mRNA荧光原位杂交(FISH)是一种常用于分析细胞中转录物分布的技术。 当与常见的单分子技术荧光共振能量转移(FRET)相结合时,FISH也可用于分析转录本中附近序列的共表达以测量转录本的替代启动或剪接变异等过程。 与使用多个探针靶向单个转录物的常规FISH方法不同,FRET限于使用用匹配染料标记的两个探针,并且需要使用敏化发射。 任何能够灵敏地检测Cy3和Cy5单分子的宽视场显微镜应该能够测量酵母细胞中的FRET。 或者,可以使用FRET-FISH方法明确确定转录本的身份,而不使用其他FISH技术中使用的引导探针组。
Single-probe RNA FISH in Yeast
[Abstract] Quantitative profiling of mRNA expression is an important part of understanding the state of a cell. The technique of RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) involves targeting an RNA transcript with a set of 40 complementary fluorescently labeled DNA oligonucleotide probes. However, there are many circumstances such as transcripts shorter than 200 nt, splicing variations, or alternate initiation sites that create transcripts that would be indistinguishable to a set of multiple probes. To this end we adapted the standard FISH protocol to allow the use of a single probe with a single fluorophore to quantify the amount of transcripts inside budding yeast cells. In addition to allowing the quantification of short transcripts or short features of transcripts, this technique ...
[摘要] mRNA表达的定量分析是理解细胞状态的重要部分。 RNA荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术涉及用一组40个互补的荧光标记的DNA寡核苷酸探针靶向RNA转录物。 然而,许多情况下,如转录本短于200 nt,剪接变异,或创建转录本的替代起始位点,这些转录本与一组多重探针无法区分。 为此,我们调整了标准FISH方案,以允许使用具有单个荧光团的单个探针来量化出芽酵母细胞内的转录物的量。 除了允许定量短转录本或转录本的短特征之外,该技术还降低了执行FISH的成本。
【背景】通过单分子荧光原位杂交(smFISH)可以精确定量单细胞转录谱。 该过程通过用多个荧光标记的DNA寡核苷酸探针靶向单个mRNA分子给出了良好的噪声信号(Raj和Tyagi,2010)。 使用该方案,不能检测到长度短于200个核苷酸的mRNA。 然而,在大多数实验中,绝对转录本拷贝数比相对拷贝数少。 为了检测短的转录物或序列,可以使用短的单个DNA寡核苷酸探针。 当使用单个荧光团计数mRNA时,单个探针的检测效率大于50%(Wadsworth等人,2017)。
Markerless Gene Editing in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis
[Abstract] The advent of single cell genomics and the continued use of metagenomic profiling in diverse environments has exponentially increased the known diversity of life. The recovered and assembled genomes predict physiology, consortium interactions and gene function, but experimental validation of metabolisms and molecular pathways requires more directed approaches. Gene function–and the correlation between phenotype and genotype is most obviously studied with genetics, and it is therefore critical to develop techniques permitting rapid and facile strain construction. Many new and candidate archaeal lineages have recently been discovered, but experimental, genetic access to archaeal genomes is currently limited to a few model organisms. The results obtained from manipulating the genomes of ...
[摘要] 单细胞基因组学的出现以及在不同环境中宏基因组分析的持续使用已经成倍地增加了已知的生命多样性。恢复和组装的基因组预测生理,财团相互作用和基因功能,但代谢和分子途径的实验验证需要更直接的方法。基因功能 - 表型和基因型之间的相关性用遗传学得到最明显的研究,因此开发允许快速和容易地构建应变的技术是至关重要的。最近已经发现了许多新的和候选的古细菌谱系,但是对古细菌基因组的实验性,遗传途径目前仅限于一些模式生物。操纵这些基因可获得的生物的基因组所获得的结果已经对我们对古菌生理和信息处理系统的理解产生了深远的影响,这些持续的研究也有助于解决生命树的系统发育重建。超嗜热,浮游,海洋异养古细菌Thermococcus kodakarensis已经成为理想的遗传系统,其具有一系列可用于增加或减少编码活性的技术或修饰基因在体内的表达 。我们在这里概述一些技术,可以快速,无标记地删除单个,或者重复删除几个连续的从 T的序列。 kodakarensis 基因组。我们的程序包括构建转化所必需的质粒DNA的细节,所述质粒DNA通过同源重组指导整合到基因组中,鉴定已经整合了质粒序列的菌株(称为中间菌株)和确认质粒切除,导致最终菌株中的目标基因。可以使用几乎相同的程序来修饰而不是删除基因组基因座。
【背景】古细菌常常在看起来荒凉和迅速变化的环境中繁衍生息。古菌基因组的分析揭示了大量的代谢策略,预测了复杂和高度相互依赖的基因表达的调控网络,并揭示了许多基因,其蛋白质和日益稳定的RNA产物缺乏确定的功能。通过遗传操作挑战现有的和定义新的途径的能力已经辅助了古细菌生理学和信息处理系统的去卷积,并且最近开放了古细菌物种到合成和系统级的方法来定义细胞内和细胞间网络。 ...