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Trypsin (2.5%)


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 15090046
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Intracellular and Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Measurement in Primary Cultured Neurons
[Abstract]  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive oxygen containing molecules. ROS consist of radical oxygen species including superoxide anion (O2•−) and hydroxyl radical (•OH) and non-radical oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen (O2). ROS are generated by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, environmental stresses including UV or heat exposure, and cellular responses to xenobiotics (Ray et al., 2012). Excessive ROS production over cellular antioxidant capacity induces oxidative stress which results in harmful effects such as cell and tissue damage. Sufficient evidence suggests that oxidative stresses are involved in cancers, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases including ... [摘要]  活性氧物质(ROS)是化学活性的含氧分子。 ROS由自由基氧物种组成,包括超氧化物阴离子(O2-)和羟基自由基(·OH)以及非自由基氧物种如过氧化氢(H


ROS是由线粒体中消耗的一小部分氧产生的。线粒体中产生的ROS的主要种类是超氧化物阴离子,它是电子传递链的副产物(Batandier等人,2002)。为了检测线粒体中的超氧化物,使用MitoSOX红色,线粒体超氧化物指示剂。由于三苯基鏻基团带正电,MitoSOX红可以有效地穿透磷脂双分子层,并积聚在线粒体基质中。此外,MitoSOX红的氢化乙啶可使研究人员区分超氧化物介导的氧化产物与其他非特异性信号产生的荧光信号(Robinson等人,2006; ...

Hair Follicle Stem Cell Isolation and Expansion
[Abstract]  Stem cells are widely used for numerous clinical applications including limbal stem cell deficiency. Stem cell derived from the bulge region of the hair follicle have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cell types including interfollicular epidermis, hair follicle structures, sebaceous glands and corneal epithelial cells when provided the appropriate cues. Hair follicle stem cells are being studied as a valuable source of autologous stem cells to treat disease. The protocol described below details the isolation and expansion of these cells for eventual clinical application. We used a dual-reporter mouse model to visualize both isolation and eventual differentiation of these cells in a limbal stem cell-deficient mouse model. [摘要]  干细胞被广泛用于许多临床应用,包括角膜缘干细胞缺陷。 当提供适当的提示时,源自毛囊凸出区域的干细胞具有分化成多种细胞类型的能力,包括滤泡间表皮,毛囊结构,皮脂腺和角膜上皮细胞。 正在研究毛囊干细胞作为自体干细胞治疗疾病的宝贵来源。 下面描述的方案详细描述了这些细胞的最终临床应用的分离和扩增。 我们使用双报告小鼠模型来观察这些细胞在角膜缘干细胞缺陷小鼠模型中的分离和最终分化。

【背景】干细胞被广泛用于多种翻译和临床应用。一种这样的临床应用是用于治疗角膜缘干细胞缺陷(LSCD)。当角膜缘干细胞群存在功能障碍或丧失时,LSCD发生,这对于由于先天性或获得性病理而维持健康的眼表非常重要。 LSCD的主要治疗策略是从患者健康眼睛的角膜缘活检组织培养自体上皮细胞片(Pellegrini等人,1997; Shortt等人,2007) 。这种策略的局限性在于它只适用于患有单侧LSCD的患者。那些有双侧LSCD的患者必须依靠免疫相关活体供体或尸体组织的同种异体角膜缘活检。由于全身性免疫抑制治疗的需要和供体组织的有限可用性,治疗成功率降低。一些研究小组一直在研究使用培养的口腔粘膜细胞治疗LSCD并取得了一些成功。然而,这些细胞通常不能表达角膜上皮分化标记角蛋白12(Inatomi等,2006),并且经常导致外周血管新生的发展(Nakamura等人, ,2004; ...

Mutant Huntingtin Secretion in Neuro2A Cells and Rat Primary Cortical Neurons
[Abstract]  Quantitative analysis of proteins secreted from the cells poses a challenge due to their low abundance and the interfering presence of a large amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the cell culture media. We established assays for detection of mutant huntingtin (mHtt) secreted from Neuro2A cell line stably expressing mHtt and rat primary cortical neurons by Western blotting. Our protocol is based on reducing the amounts of BSA in the media while maintaining cell viability and secretory potential, and concentrating the media prior to analysis by means of ultrafiltration. [摘要]  由细胞分泌的蛋白质的定量分析由于它们的丰度低和在细胞培养基中干扰大量牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的存在而提出挑战。 我们建立检测突变亨廷顿蛋白(mHtt)检测分泌Neuro2A细胞系稳定表达mHtt和大鼠原代皮层神经元蛋白质印迹。 我们的方案是基于降低培养基中BSA的量,同时保持细胞活力和分泌潜能,并在通过超滤分析之前浓缩培养基。

【背景】许多蛋白质通过各种分泌途径从细胞分泌到细胞外环境中。这些途径包括在ER-高尔基体 - 质膜途径之后的常规分泌途径(Lee等,2004)和多个非常规途径,例如溶酶体胞吐作用,穿过质膜的易位和外泌体以及胞外体释放(Zhang和Schekman,2013)。为了研究这些途径,经常需要分析培养细胞分泌的蛋白质进入培养基。蛋白质可以游离形式分泌,也可以与胞膜结构如胞外体和外泌体结合(Zhang and ...
