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CytoOne 6-well TC plate

CytoOne 6孔TC板

Company: USA Scientific
Catalog#: CC7682-7506
Other protocol()

Murine in vivo CD8+ T Cell Killing Assay
[Abstract]  Antigen-specific killing ability of effector CD8+ T cells is critical for protective immunity against infection. Here, we describe in vivo cytotoxic T cell assay to examine effector function of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) expressing chicken ovalbumin as a model antigen mount ovalbumin-specific CD8+ T cell responses. Effector CD8+ T cell function in vivo is determined by mixed transfer of OVA peptide-pulsed target cells with control target cells into the previously immunized mice. Difference in CFSE expression levels clearly marks two distinct populations: Antigen-pulsed target cells-CFSElow vs. unpulsed target cells-CFSEhi. ... [摘要]  效应CD8 + T细胞的抗原特异性杀伤能力对于感染的保护性免疫是关键的。 在这里,我们描述了在体内细胞毒性T细胞测定来检查抗原特异性CD8 + T细胞的效应子功能。 用表达鸡卵白蛋白作为模型抗原的单核细胞增生性李斯特菌(单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌)感染的小鼠装载卵清蛋白特异性CD8 + T细胞应答。 通过将OVA肽脉冲的靶细胞与对照靶细胞混合转移到先前免疫的小鼠中来测定体内效应物CD8 + T细胞功能。 CFSE表达水平的差异清楚地标记两种不同的群体:抗原脉冲的靶细胞-CFSE 与未突发的靶细胞-FSE hi 。 抗原脉冲的靶细胞和对照靶细胞之间的频率用作抗原特异性杀伤的读数。
