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Protein LoBind Tubes


Company: Eppendorf
Catalog#: 022431081
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Expression and Purification of Recombinant Skd3 (Human ClpB) Protein and Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) Protease from Escherichia coli

Skd3 (encoded by human CLPB) is a mitochondrial AAA+ protein comprised of an N-terminal ankyrin-repeat domain and a C-terminal HCLR-clade nucleotide-binding domain. The function of Skd3 has long remained unknown due to challenges in purifying the protein to high quality and near homogeneity. Recently we described Skd3 as a human mitochondrial protein disaggregase that solubilizes proteins in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. This protocol overcomes the challenges associated with purifying Skd3 and allows for in depth in vitro study of Skd3 activity. Tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease is required in the purification of Skd3. Thus, we also describe how to purify high quality TEV protease for use in the purification of Skd3, other purification protocols, and in vitro assays requiring TEV

[摘要]  [摘要] Skd3(由人类CLPB编码)是一种线粒体AAA +蛋白,由N末端锚蛋白重复域和C末端HCLR分支核苷酸结合域组成。由于在纯化蛋白质达到高质量和接近均质性方面的挑战,Skd3的功能长期未知。最近,我们描述Skd3作为人类线粒体蛋白disaggregase ,在线粒体膜间间隙增溶蛋白。该协议克服了与纯化Skd3相关的挑战,并允许对Skd3活性进行深入的体外研究。Skd3的纯化需要烟草蚀刻病毒(TEV)蛋白酶。因此,我们还描述了如何净化高质量TEV蛋白酶可用于纯化Skd3,其他纯化方案以及需要TEV蛋白酶的体外测定。

[背景] Skd3是一种线粒体AAA +蛋白,与多系统线粒体疾病VII型3-甲基谷氨酸酸尿症(MGCA7)有关(Capo-Chichi等人,2015; Kanabus等人,2015; Saunders等人,, 2015; Wortmann等人,2015 ; Kiykim等人,2016 )。由于在体外研究Skd3的能力有限,因此对生物学功能和这些突变对Skd3活性的影响的研究仍难以捉摸(Cupo和Shorter,2020; ...

Preparation of Cell-free Synthesized Proteins Selectively Double Labeled for Single-molecule FRET Studies
[Abstract]  Single-molecule FRET (smFRET) is a powerful tool to investigate molecular structures and conformational changes of biological molecules. The technique requires protein samples that are site-specifically equipped with a pair of donor and acceptor fluorophores. Here, we present a detailed protocol for preparing double-labeled proteins for smFRET studies. The protocol describes two cell-free approaches to achieve a selective label scheme that allows the highest possible accuracy in inter‐dye distance determination. [摘要]  单分子FRET(smFRET)是研究生物分子的分子结构和构象变化的有力工具。 该技术需要蛋白质样品,该样品是特定位点配有一对供体和受体荧光团的。 在这里,我们提供了一个制备smFRET研究的双标记蛋白的详细方案。 该协议描述了两种无细胞方法来实现选择性标记方案,其允许在染料间距离确定中具有最高可能的准确性。

【背景】单分子FRET(smFRET)是结构生物学中最重要的工具之一,特别是用于分析蛋白质的结构和功能构象变化(Michalet等人,2006; Roy等人。,2008; Sustarsic和Kapanidis,2015)。然而,smFRET的广泛应用在许多情况下受限于合适的蛋白质样品的精细生产。这些蛋白质需要配备两个荧光团,位点特异性连接在蛋白质结构内的不同位置。


尽管smFRET所需的样本量本质上很低,但迄今为止,在smFRET研究中,CFPS尚未被标准地用于生产样本。这主要是由于与基于细胞的系统相比蛋白质产量低得多,并且缺乏适当的无细胞方法,其允许适当量的双标记蛋白质的方便合成。然而,正如我们的小组所表明的那样,得益于更高效的正交标记方案(Sadoine ...

A Method for Extracting the Nuclear Scaffold from the Chromatin Network
[Abstract]  Each cell contains many large DNA polymers packed in a nucleus of approx. 10 μm in diameter. With histones, these DNA polymers are known to form chromatins. How chromatins further compact in the nucleus is unclear but it inevitably depends on an extensive non-chromatin nuclear scaffold. Imaging of endogenous chromatin network and the complementary scaffold that support this network has not been achieved but biochemical and proteomic investigations of the scaffold can still provide important insights into this chromatin-organizing network. However, this demands highly inclusive and reproducible extraction of the nuclear scaffold. We have recently developed a simple protocol for releasing the scaffold components from chromatins. The inclusiveness of the extract was testified by the ... [摘要]  每个细胞都含有许多大型DNA聚合物,其中包含大约一个核。直径10微米。用组蛋白,已知这些DNA聚合物形成染色质。染色质在核中如何进一步致密还不清楚,但它不可避免地依赖于广泛的非染色质核支架。内源性染色质网络的成像和支持该网络的互补支架尚未实现,但支架的生化和蛋白质组学研究仍然可以提供关于该染色质组织网络的重要见解。但是,这需要高度包容和可重复的提取核支架。我们最近开发了一个简单的协议,用于从染色质中释放脚手架组件。提取物的包容性由以下观察结果证实:当从核中提取时,剩余的核染色质被释放为延伸且通常平行的染色质纤维。基本上,该方案包括纯核的产生,用Triton X-100处理细胞核以产生包膜消耗的细胞核(TxN),并在含蔗糖的缓冲液中在500mM NaCl中提取细胞核。 TxN的这个组合提取被称为TxNE。

【背景】通过蛋白质和核糖核蛋白的复杂支架,染色质在细胞核中密集并动态地压缩。与细胞骨架网络不同(Fischer和Fowler,2015),对这种核支架的显微观察在技术上是具有挑战性的。这可能反映了每个细胞核内染色质的主导地位,支架与细胞核交织在一起。核的球形排列也对成像这种支架结构造成挑战。核支架的主要元素是核层(NL)(Gruenbaum和Foisner,2015)。 ...
