[Abstract] The plant cell wall is a physical barrier, which fulfills a plethora of functions, for example it can efficiently prevent pathogen’s entry into the cell. In addition, its changing composition contributes to plants inducible defense mechanisms. This layer of defense includes pathogen perception and is followed by the activation of defense responses resulting, among others, in a modification and remodeling of the cell wall. This relatively late defense response (hours or days after contact with pathogen) comprises the accumulation of polysaccharides, such as the 1,3-ß-glucan callose, phenolic compounds and reactive oxygen species. Callose depositions occur during normal plant growth (e.g. in the phloem), they can be also a response to different stress stimuli. During the response ...
[摘要] 植物细胞壁是物理屏障,其实现过多的功能,例如它可以有效地防止病原体进入细胞。此外,其变化的组成有助于植物诱导防御机制。该防御层包括病原体感知,并且随后是防御反应的激活,导致尤其是细胞壁的修饰和重塑。这种相对较晚的防御反应(与病原体接触后的几小时或几天)包括多糖例如1,3-β-葡聚糖胼cal质,酚类化合物和活性氧簇的积累。 Callose沉积在正常植物生长期间(例如在韧皮部中)发生,它们也可以是对不同应激刺激的反应。在对病原体攻击的反应期间,胼lose质沉积是细胞壁增强的必要部分,并且对于成功的植物防御是重要的。在这里,我们描述了染色胼lose体位置斑点的方法,其可以用于量化该防御反应。