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Corning® 96-well Clear Flat Bottom Polystyrene TC-treated Microplates, Individually Wrapped, with Lid, Sterile

Corning ® 96孔透明平底TC微孔板

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 3596
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Primary Culture System for Germ Cells from Caenorhabditis elegans Tumorous Germline Mutants
[Abstract]  The Caenorhabditis elegans germ line is an important model system for the study of germ stem cells. Wild-type C. elegans germ cells are syncytial and therefore cannot be isolated in in vitro cultures. In contrast, the germ cells from tumorous mutants can be fully cellularized and isolated intact from the mutant animals. Here we describe a detailed protocol for the isolation of germ cells from tumorous mutants that allows the germ cells to be maintained for extended periods in an in vitro primary culture. This protocol has been adapted from Chaudhari et al., 2016. [摘要]  秀丽隐杆线虫种系是胚芽干细胞研究的重要模型系统。 野生型C。 线虫生殖细胞是合胞体,因此不能在体外培养中分离。 相比之下,来自肿瘤突变体的生殖细胞可以完全被细胞化并从突变动物中完整分离。 在这里,我们描述了从肿瘤突变体中分离生殖细胞的详细方案,其允许生殖细胞在体外原代培养中长时间维持。 该协议已从2016年Chaudhari等人改编。
【背景】秀丽生殖细胞在位于两个性腺臂的远端区域的两个成体干细胞龛中产生(Hansen和Schedl,2013; Kimble和Seidel,2013)。在野生型雌雄同体中,有丝分裂生殖细胞仅限于性腺臂的远端,干细胞生态位。野生型生殖细胞是合胞体,并且包含延伸通过性腺臂中心区域的共同细胞质的开口。 ℃。线虫肿瘤种系突变体在整个性腺中增加了生殖细胞的有丝分裂增殖。我们发现肿瘤种系突变体通常具有完整的细胞生殖细胞,其含有完整的质膜(Chaudhari等人,2016)。这种细胞化允许生殖细胞的分离及其在培养中的维持。该方案描述了分离和维持培养物中肿瘤突变体的生殖细胞的方法学和组织培养基。虽然已经描述了用于C的主要培养物的培养基。 elegans 胚胎和幼虫细胞(Strange等人,2007; Zhang和Kuhn,2013),生殖细胞在这种培养基中不能存活(Chaudhari等人。 ...

Sulforhodamine B (SRB) Assay in Cell Culture to Investigate Cell Proliferation
[Abstract]  The SRB assay has been used since its development in 1990 (Skehan et al., 1990) to inexpensively conduct various screening assays to investigate cytotoxicity in cell based studies (Vichai and Kirtikara, 2006). This method relies on the property of SRB, which binds stoichiometrically to proteins under mild acidic conditions and then can be extracted using basic conditions; thus, the amount of bound dye can be used as a proxy for cell mass, which can then be extrapolated to measure cell proliferation.

The protocol can be divided into four main steps: preparation of treatment, incubation of cells with treatment of choice, cell fixation and SRB staining, and absorbance measurement. This assay is limited to manual or semiautomatic screening, and can be used in an efficient ...
[摘要]   Limonium 已知有性和无融合生殖(通过种子的无性繁殖)繁殖模式。在这里,我们提出解剖协议为胚珠的发芽。使用微分干涉对比(DIC)显微镜。该协议允许更好地处理胚珠,并提供优于早期技术,特别是在较大胚珠的某些优势。这种方法还能够观察到完整胚珠中的减数分裂和胚囊发育,以及容易检测到区别性和无序性发育的事件。

[背景] 发生在胚珠发育期间,有必要细胞学检查胚珠。这项研究可以涉及显微镜观察石蜡或树脂包埋,切片材料或清除的器官。在D'Amato(1940; 1949)的先驱作品中公开了对性和无融合生殖物种中胚珠和胚囊发育的第一次细胞学研究。在这些作品中,花使用Karpechenko的方法固定,包埋在石蜡中,切片并用Heidenhain的铁苏木精染色,其染色质和染色体在细胞核中染色。使用这些方法的花芽切片可导致由于单个细胞的部分破坏结构完整性而具有差质量的制备物。更容易的选择是清除福尔马林:乙酸:乙醇固定的器官并用纯的Mayer's hemalum染色(Wallis,1957; Stelly等人,1984)。这种技术需要少得多的时间和劳动,特别是对于通常在卵巢中形成小胚珠的物种,这是 Limonium ...

Bone Marrow-derived Endothelial Progenitor Cell Intercellular Adhesion Assay
[Abstract]  Cell-cell adhesion ensures tight contacts between neighbouring cells, which is necessary for cell segregation, as well as for the morphological and functional differentiation of different tissues. Evidently there are cell-cell recognition systems that make cells of the same type preferentially adherent to one another. Homotypic cell adhesion is particularly important in mediating a range of physiological processes such as cell survival, migration and remodeling of vessels. Thus in the present study we selected two populations of endothelial progenitor cells which are from the same donor to investigate the possible effect of a small molecule compound Icariin on homotypic cell adhesion. Many angiogenic factors can destabilize the organization of intercellular junctions, causing endothelial ... [摘要]  细胞粘附保证了相邻细胞之间的紧密接触,这对于细胞分离以及不同组织的形态和功能分化是必要的。显然,存在使相同类型的细胞优先彼此粘附的细胞 - 细胞识别系统。同型细胞粘附在介导一系列生理过程例如细胞存活,迁移和血管重塑中特别重要。因此,在本研究中,我们选择两个来自相同供体的内皮祖细胞群体,以研究小分子化合物Icariin对同型细胞粘附的可能影响。许多血管生成因子可以破坏细胞间连接的组织,导致内皮屏障开放。在本研究中,我们观察到Icariin治疗减少EPC中VE-钙粘蛋白表达的水平,表明细胞 - 细胞粘附减少 - 证明Icariin的促血管生成作用。总之,所观察到的EPCs的同型粘附的丧失可能有助于由Icariin施加的增强的血管生成作用。
